Civilized space community

NMSA 905 HUB 🌌✨


We are located in the Sehaiuri region of the Euclid galaxy. Our mission is to keep the Sentinels in dark space, past the 905 Defense barrier, we form a defense ring. We do this by building bases and resources depots, while charting planets and reporting any disturbances at the boundary failures.

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Update mock-up

Pillars Update

Inspired by the No Man's Sky community members who create amazing fan art, mock-ups and so much more; I created a mock-up of a fictional No Man's Sky update that would address a lot of the things I would love to see in the game.

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NMS Card game

Card Deck

I created cards for anyone to use to create a card game. Linked below is a video of how to make your own deck.

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